Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Random Cheesy-ness

From the day Alana was born I've been trying to teach her "Cheese". She's got it down now, but it's so much Cheese I laugh every time I see it!

She is STILL so in love with Mickey Mouse. She started to take this one to bed with her every night now.
"Mice love cheese"

For Christmas Auntie Crystal got Alana some new crayons and a coloring book. She hasn't gone a day since without requesting to use them.
"Colorful cheese"

Victor and I got take out Sushi the other night and Alana tried to learn how to use chopsticks! She did pretty good, getting some rice and putting in her mouth. She even ate a sushi roll!
"Sushi and Cheese"


Jennifer Reason said...

Chopsticks already!! Wow!! I am such a chopstick clutz. 28 yrs older than Alana and cant seem to get it. :) She is such a big girl!

Kristopher said...

I must say she is adorable. Like you said, "Cheeseyness" is the word...