Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter and our little Easter bunny!!

I'm going to start off by saying that I always take like 100 pictures and then only post a few... tonight, I'm posting tons because there are TONS of cute ones!!!

We started our Easter morning with the tradition we had when I was young. The "Easter Bunny" came last night and left Alana an Easter basket with some fun stuff in it! When her lazy butt finally woke up around 9:15 we brought her out to her Easter Basket that Grandma Pat put together for her. She loved her summer dresses and everything in it! Thank you mom!

She kissed the ducky that mommy picked out for her as she held her peeps for the camera. She crawled around all morning with that package of peeps in her mouth! (She is my child...)

We got her dressed up in her Easter Dress and took her to Victor's work to meet the Easter Bunny.... But because her lazy butt slept in, we missed him :( But I never pass up an opportunity to take an adorable picture! Every guest we passed at the hotel told us how cute she looked and everyone stopped to gawlk at her!

Then we headed over to Victor's moms house where we were going to have an Easter BBQ with both of our families! Here are the Easter Cupcakes I made!

We took her out of her white dress so she could crawl around the grass.

Ellie loved the tree swing in her cute Easter dress.

Lexie (major white girl) was ready for the sun!

Adorable picture!

Alana and her favoritest Aunt Jacquie.
My (almost) walking girl!

Grandma Pat and Alana!

Me and my Lexie Jane. Look at these adorable blue eyes!!


My little Bunny!

Love for Papa!

Family Easter Picture!

Grandpa Oscar and Grandma Lupe put on an AMAZING BBQ for our family today!

And then we were done.....

We really had SUCH a great Easter Day today! Thank you so much to both of our families for making today so special for Alana! Honestly there is nothing better then spending these beautiful days outside with the love of our families! I hope everyone's Easter was just as great as ours was! It's amazing how having Alana has changed our Holidays and the importance of family!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

She is the cutest Easter Bunny I've ever seen! It is great to see everyone in your family...I miss all of you!!