Friday, April 3, 2009

10 months old today!

So yes, time flys by so fast but I really never expected her to be 10 months old and that much closer to 1 years old! HOLY MOLY! As you can see, she is standing ALL THE TIME and walking everywhere, holding onto something... she doesn't walk by herself yet, but I know it's on it's way! We are trying to slowly but surely get her off the bottle! I don't want her to be one of those kids at 2 walking around with a bottle hanging out of their mouth, it's just not cute! I get my baby center emails every week and this week they said babies should stop using bottles between 9-12 months... so here we go! She already has been drinking water and juice out of sippy cups so I've started giving her formula in them during the day now! She loves to use a straw and is pretty good at it. So we'll see how that goes for the next couple weeks and then maybe we'll get rid of all the bottles all together!

We had dinner with my friend Anda the other night and she brought Alana some Easter gifts! Her first Easter Bunny! Thank you Anda, she loved it and has slept with it every night since!

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