Monday, August 23, 2010

Generation Z

What happens after generation Z. Do we just start over at A?

Today is my niece Hailey's first day of High School. Can you remember those days? Barely right? My first day of High School was so much fun, I was a cheerleader and we had a pep rally, I was in my uniform, it was a great day for me! I'm hoping for Hailey it will be a great day as well! I took her shopping this weekend for some High School clothes. It's hard to keep up with the times. I've always thought I dressed somewhat trendy for my age, but she wanted to buy these crazy a$$ shoes. I mean, I felt so OLD when I thought to myself, they look like something Michael Jackson wore back in the 80's. Moon walking shoes. That's something an old mom would think right? Kids and their crazy fashion these days. We finally got away from the moon shoes and she got some cute ones that me, her mom and Hailey agreed on. I can only be sad and excited for Hailey. I'm sad because High School means she's growing up so much. I do think she is a College Bound kid though and that makes me happy. She wants to be a Crime Scene Investigator. Can we say too much CSI watching? haha. I'm happy she has high hopes and I know that she can do whatever she wants to! She's a smart girl! My advise for starting High School to her? I told her she needs to stay away from boys. That's what ruined my High School years. It started early and went all through High School. I stopped being so interested in school and my friends. It was lame, I was lame. I pray that Hailey doesn't do the same and make the same dumb mistakes that I did. We always want better for our kids and our nieces right? I can't wait to call her today and see how her first day went! She took lots of time last night straightening her hair and getting all ready. Here are a few pictures from this morning on her first day of High School.

I don't know if they make a generation letter for Ellie yet! My big 5 year old started Kindergarten last week! She had her first day of school and then the following week turned 5. Lots of big stuff going on for her! To think that my little niece is now in Kindergarten is so exciting! Seriously, too much going on right now! All my little girls are growing up so fast!!!!
Jacquie has had the privilege of going to the school almost every day and spending some time helping out in the classroom. That is the stuff I have always dreamed of!!! I will get my day before I know it. Ellie is enjoying school. She's going to the same Elementary school that all of us went to. Stallings Elementary! We all had our first day of Kindergarten there too! I think that makes it extra special! Some of my teachers are still there! Crazy!
Ellie doing her first homework! I'm so proud of the little lady she is becoming! **Tears**
Grandma would be so proud of her girls.

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