Thursday, May 13, 2010


This week was the "Taste of Anaheim". We've gone for a few years now, a fun time filled with tons and tons of food! The placed is filled with booths from restaurants in Anaheim and everyone hands out samples. Samples don't sound like a lot of food but 20 booths later and samples everywhere, you get so full! Alana ate cookies and cotton candy and shakes... mostly all unhealthy stuff, which is very unlike us to give to her, but she's gotta be a kid right?

She enjoyed plenty of time with Aunt Jacquie going up and down the esclators. Up and down, up and down!

Me and my baby

Then we headed home to do some rockbanding!!! Alana called the drums! She is a good drumer and has even learned the beat... My baby and her music...

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