Saturday, May 8, 2010

Big Girl

Over the last few months we been debating whether or not we should convert Alana's bed to the day bed, her big girl bed. I asked a lot of moms for their advise and decided yesterday was going to be the day. Some moms really hyped it up with their kids, but I just didn't think Alana would really care so why she was out I took off the front bars and voila, a day bed! She likes to use it as a couch where she can sit and read her books. She has all of her Mickey's sleeping with her too.
Her first night went really well, she was happy she could get out when she wants to, but we'll work on that. She slept like a little baby, woke up this morning and started to yell "mommy" like she normally does for me to get her out, but then soon realized that she could get out herself.

We have a rail for the side of the bed, but it wasn't made for this bed and was super big and gave her no space to get out herself which defeats the whole purpose. So since the bed is so low to the ground, we decided to not put one up! She did just great!! Big, big girl in the making!!

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