Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dinner and Monkeys?

Victor and I took Alana to walk around at DownTown Disney. She loved that place with all the trees decorated and so many shops to walk around and touch everything in. We took Alana into Rain Forest Cafe for dinner for the first time. She loved the fish and all the animals hanging around. Made monkey sounds when she saw the monkeys. She loved it all until the room started their thunder storm. The room gets loud and the fake animals around the room start to make lots of noise and go crazy. Needless to say by this picture, Alana DID NOT like that at all. So every 30 minutes when it went off we had to take her out of the high chair and hold her. Sadly I thought she'd like it. Not so much!

She did love Down Town Disney though and had a great time, it was nice and cold out, great fall night out for the family! Looking forward to many more!

Love Bug and her daddy!

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