Thursday, August 23, 2012


I used to not be a big sweets person until I became pregnant with Alana. That's when it all went downhill. I used to be able to bake my heart out and not touch anything I would bake! With Alana I craved Ice Cream and my cake cookies all the time!
This pregnancy has been ok, but lately in the last month I've been craving so many different things it's weird. Last night for a 9pm snack I took out some thin mints that I have tucked away and put some peanut butter on them and they were just the perfect snack for me!
Strawberry Milk is number one on my list until today when I really wanted some Red Vines. But I wanted the soft ones, and the gas station by work only had a package of them and they were not soft. Some how they worked for breakfast anyway! (of course I did have some grits after my red vines). Talk about being pregnant...
I am still trying to eat healthy and some what normal, but when I get a craving that's all I can think about until I have it! Strawberries seem to be on the top of my list. I must be having a really sweet baby!
Another weird one for me has been McDonalds french fries! I want them often, although I only limit myself to once every few weeks. Never in my life have I been a big fan of McDonalds in general but lately their fries have made me happy :)

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