At 3 years old:
• Alana is wearing big girl panties and I'm LOVING every moment of her being potty trained! It was soooo easy, I'm almost scared to talk about it! I don't have to buy diapers? Really amazing!!
• She loves, loves, LOVES to sing. Whether it's making up her own songs to whatever she is doing at that moment, or singing along to her kids songs CD's, she's always singing! Her favorites to sing are *The Old Gray Mare * London Bridges * Jack and Jill * Roll over * Twinkle * and anything Beatles of course.
• She still thinks I’m her best friend. Although the other day we did have this conversation:
Alana: Mommy, who were you talking to on the phone?
Me: Crystal
Alana: Why?
Me: Because she’s my best friend!
Alana: Crystal’s my best friend too mommy! (She says quietly as she snooze’s off in the car)
• She is pretty smart, she knows her shapes, colors and alphabet.
• She is great at drawing happy faces, mountain and the letter A.
• Play-doh is her favorite thing to play with (after drawing)
• She’s not really into the Disney Princesses.
• She loves to draw outside with chalk.
• Her favorite cartoon to watch is Little Einstein’s.
• She loves to say silly words and mash them up.
• She laughs at pretty much anything if you say it funny.
• She loves to fold laundry or help do anything when we are cleaning.
• She completely understands her Grandma in Spanish and responds back.
• She can count to 20 (missing 15 and 16) in English and Spanish.
• Alana is still VERY independent. She does everything on her own and would not like help from anyone. She gets the milk out of the fridge and gets a cup down. (But I don’t let her pour)
• She will sit and read for hours.
• She loves to lay on the couch with mommy and daddy right before bed time and snuggle and I couldn’t LOVE it anymore!
OH - and she is super great for my self esteem! She always tells me how beautiful I am or how pretty I look. Or how nice my dress or shirt is!
What a BIG girl! Good to blog as we forget the special, little moments in life that are oh so important.
I love update posts!! I'm happy that I started doing it with Jilly cuz even looking back on them now it's helped me not to lose memories!!
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