Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Ellie!

For Ellie's birthday Jacquie booked a flight on a little plane out of the Corona airport. Yes, Corona has a tiny airport! Ellie and Jacquie eat breakfast sometimes at the airport where Ellie can watch the planes take off and she always asks if she can ride in one. So Jacquie asked if there were people who charted airplanes and she was directed to the little building next door that did. For a minimal fee 3 people can go in a plane and fly over the area! They have different flights but we choose the shortest one. We weren't sure how Ellie was going to like it. Jacquie was nice enough to ask me to be the 3rd person to go with them!

We were supposed to wear these head phones in the air, Ellie let him fit her before we got on the plane, but wanted nothing to do with them once we got in the plane.

This was the little plane we were going to get on. Ellie was very excited to get on when she saw the plane.

I sat in the back with Ellie, she didn't want to help the pilot fly...

Neither did Jacquie, but I made her sit up there anyway! This is Spencer our pilot... he's 18 years old! UM..... yeah, that was interesting!

This is Ellie before we took off really excited to fly in a plane!

Here is what Lake Matthews looks like 3,000 feet up in the air!

I tried to take Ellie's mind off of being that high up by pointing out everything I could on the ground, tiny cars, houses and trees. She was ok for the most part until she decided she just wanted to go home... so we told her we were heading home.

It was nice to be on solid ground again! Here is Jacquie, Ellie and our 18 year old pilot! YIKES! Once we touched the ground (which was very dramatic because it was windy as hell out there) Ellie wanted to go again! Figures!

Then of course no 3rd birthday would be complete with out getting all dressed up like a princess and going to Chuck E Chesse's!

You know I had to put a picture of my beautiful little princess in here too!

Happy Birthday Ellie! Hope you had a great one! Thank you for letting me be part of it! I had such a great time!

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