Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I heart her

Alana is the bravest girl EVER! She still has a heart murmur and her doctor continues to monitor it. Today we had an appt at the hospital to have an Echocardiography done. Super fancy term for an ultrasound on your heart! I feel that if I prepare Alana for what is coming she seems ok with is. So we talked about her heart and the doctor wants to see it and listen to it. We talked about where it is. Even then, I kind of thought she might freak out with the pulse monitors and stuff, but she seemed just fine! She listened to the doctor and did everything she asked. She even got to look at the pictures and video of her heart. We explained what she was seeing to her and she seemed not to interested in it, but good to know info for her. My child totally rocks and I'm so proud of her! She's very brave and I am glad she is! I'll post more when I find out about how the test came out. I'm praying for a clear bill of health finally.

My girls beautiful beating heart!

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