Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Smart Girl

Alana received an award this week at school! Kindergarten has been pretty easy for her so far, she is doing really good in her class. Victor goes once a week to volunteer in her class and with a quick change of plans last week, I got to go in his place for that day! It was so interesting to see the different levels of kids in her class. From the kid that can barely spell "and", to the kid that needed no help to spell "hospital". Crazy! Out of about the 15 kids that were there, I was very happy to see Alana in the top 5 of those 15. She is a smart girl and loves to "play that game". It's really me asking her how to spell things and what sounds letters make. She loves to play it!
I left work and ran home to see her get her award, we had no idea what it was for. Every quarter the teacher picks out a few of the kids and they have an awards assembly. Alana received an award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Language Arts! She was very proud and so happy we all came to cheer her on! She took a picture with the principal (which is fun for her at this age). So happy she is doing so well and I pray she always loves school this much!

Alana and her friend Hayden

Proud girl
Some cute on-lookers

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