Oh man! It's amazing how different this pregnancy is than Alana's. With Alana I was not sick one day and I'm pretty sure I've been feeling so sick since the day I found out I was pregnant. Whoa, what a change!! Not only am I sick ALL THE TIME, but I can't believe how TIRED I am. I never in a million years thought that growing a tiny baby so early in pregnancy would make me this tired! It's crazy how your body works! Working and already having a 4 year old makes for this pregnancy being different as well. Obviously I worked before, but at that job I didn't do a whole lot, where I am now I work TONS and don't get too much down time.
The first few weeks Alana wanted to name the baby "Blanket". No, she has no idea that's MJ's kids name. It was pretty funny. She now would like her sister named flower. Why you ask? I thought at first she was just picking random objects, but it turns out she has some logic behind Flower. Sleeping Beauty was Briar Rose, she is Alana Rose, so why not name her sister Flower?
I know, I keep saying sister. Alana will not have a brother, she only wants a sister. In her words "So she can grow up and be just like me". She loves herself! Haha. It's funny what a 4 year old thinks about.
I didn't start my blog until a month before Alana was born so I don't "remember" a lot of milestones of my pregnancy with her. When I felt her for the first time, when we found out it was a girl, all that fun stuff. So I may have a mix of both on here so I can "remember". And by remember I mean that anything I have on my blog I remember. Because it's here in writing and in pictures! That's how I remember stuff.