Before the movie started we headed down into the secret room that was pretty empty to see a lot of different scene's from the movie. They had a whole showcase of figurines, posters and everything you can imagine NBC. It was fun to look at and see up close. This was my favorite! It was the famous hill that Jack walks on, it was BIG and real right in front of us which was really fun!

Alana's pre-school class was going to have a Halloween party and I was so excited to bake Halloween cupcakes or something fun. But by the time I knew there was a "list" to sign up to bring something there were only a few spots left and cupcakes and cookies were all taken. Jello was available... AND?!! I don't even eat the crap how am I supposed to make it cool for 3 year olds? I bake, I don't jello. ANYWAY.... Alana helped me put together some layered jello in cups for the kids, including worms in the middle of the layers! They came out cute and now that I've worked with jello, I kind of want to do something fun with it for every holiday. I still won't eat the crap, but I could see it would be fun to work with!!

Along with the Jello, Alana got to be in her first parade at Pre-school on Monday! She is the beautiful Snow White again!

She did well marching right along with the other kids. There was only one other Snow White surprisingly enough.

Alana's loves this little girl at school. It's her best friend this week! She calls everyone her best friend! Her and this girl walked the whole time holding hands just like BFF's! Super cute!
Did Snow White have a father? If she did, this would be the most handsome one of all! My new favorite picture!!! My man dressed to the T and his little Princess!